2 weeks ago, someone called me direct via my office number. She spoke in Malay, but with some Indian accent. No offence, but I assumed that she is an Indian Lady (IL). She never introduce herself, only saying that she is calling from Kebajikan Pekerja-Pekerja something something (KPP). When I ask her that is this Kebajikan is from from the Govt body, she say yes.
Our teleconference is as such:
IL : Hello, ini Mr. Gary?
Me : Yes, saya.
IL : Oh, Mr. Gary. Tahniah ya. Mr. Gary teleh dipilih oleh KPP untuk menerima ticket kapal terbang percuma. Kita ada information Mr. Gary dan semua maklumat credit card Mr. Gary juga. Mr. Gary boleh bagi tau alamat Mr. Gary untuk saya hantar hadiah Mr. Gary?
Me : Ok. Boleh send to my office address. Alamat saya...
IL : Oh, Mr. Gary boleh bagi nama company dulu?
Me : XXXXX Sdn Bhd. Alamat 123, Jln 123, Off Jalan Kuchai Lama, 58200 KL.
IL : Ok. Mr. Gary. Mr. Gary ada credit card apa? Saya nak buat verification saja.
Me : Hmm... Saya ada Maybank Visa...
IL : Mr. Gary boleh baca expiry date credit card ini?
I started feeling suspicious. This is the first time I heard verification using expiry data.
Me : Errr... Itu saya tak tau ler. Saya punya dompet hilang hari itu. So saya punya credit card pun kena buat replacement. You next week call balik boleh tak? Saya perlu pergi bank collect credit card baru dulu.
IL : Ok. Minggu depan Wednesday boleh?
Me : Boleh. No problem. Bye bye.
After ended the call, the curiousity rise even more when they called me just after I lost my wallet less than 1 week ago. Ok la. Nevermind, I wait see how.
95% scam, 5% not.. for me .. ;)
Part 2 coming tonight. :)
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